VMCA 2023
Helen, Joanna and Forde presented their research at the annual Virginia Mosquito Control Association meeting in Virginia Beach (VA) this...

Helen receives a CeZAP grant!
Congratulations to Helen who had received a grant from the CeZAP to support her research on Aedes japonicus mosquitoes! Bravo Helen!!

SICB 2023!
The lab is well represented this year at SICB 2023, in Austin TX! Joanna, Ella and Forde will be presenting their work in person, while...

New paper on Usutu virus now out in mShere!
Check out our new paper published in mSphere. The study was led by graduate student Sarah Kuchinsky from Dr. Nisha Duggal's lab....

New paper on tsetse flies now out!
Check out our new paper on tsetse flies entitled "Warm Blood Meal Increases Digestion Rate and Milk Protein Production to Maximize...

The lab receives 2 CeZAP grants
We are excited to announce that we have received two grants from the Center of Emerging Zoonotic and Arthropod diseases. The first...

Ella receives an REU travel award to attend the 2023 SICB conference
Congratulations to Summer 2022 REU student Ella Halbert for receiving an REU travel award to present the work she conducting at Mountain...

New protocol paper on mosquito electroantennography
Check out our protocol on mosquito electroantennography now published in Cold Spring Harbor Protocols This chapter is part of a series of...

Ella and Aqsa present their work at MLBS and SRS!
Ella and Aqsa did a fantastic job presenting the work they conducted over the Summer in the lab! We're proud of you and will miss having...

Forde presents his work at PNSA conference
Forde presented his work on mosquito-plant interactions during the Annual Meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America. The...

Helen receives the Ut Prosim Fellowship! Congrats!!
Congratulations to Helen who received the prestigious Ut Prosim Fellowship!! The Ut Prosim Fellowship was created with the goal of...

Welcome to new lab members Aqsa, Ella and JP!
We are excited to have Aqsa and Ella joining the lab for the Summer! Aqsa is from Hollins College (VA) and is supported by the SURF...

New paper out in Current Opinion in Insect Science
Our newest paper entitled "Thermal biology of invasive Aedes mosquitoes in the context of climate change" with Dr. Mariangela Bonizzoni...

Congrats Graduates!!
Congratulations to Sydney and Chris for obtaining their BS in Biological Sciences! And congrats to Helen for obtaining her BS in...
Congrats Forde, PhD candidate!
Congratulations to PhD student Forde Upshur for successfully passing his Preliminary Examination!